The Briard - A Heart Wrapped in Fur

Monday, April 18, 2011

Nana Goes to School

Nana turned 8 months this last week and I felt it was time she started school.  Like some pretentious parents, I wanted my darling to go to the right school, no public school for her,  Actually I didn't care if it was public or private, but I knew what I was looking for and so far hadn't found it.  It was suggested that I try a private facility in Granite Bay. The trainer had a good reputation, and now trained with an eye toward agility/rally competitions.  I couldn't just sign up,  I had to make an appointment for an evaluation.  Would Nana be right for this exclusive facility?  Did we have what it takes?  What did I think of the curriculum and would she like it there? 

In reality, yes it is a private training facility and I did like what I saw.  The dogs were having fun.  This was classical and behavioral training at its best.  Catch the dog doing something right and praise.  The dogs learn by playing.  No yank and crank.  No punishment.  Actually, this place is not a dog training facility - it's really a handler training facility where the dog benefits from handler improvement. So far it has what I wanted, a place where the dogs are happy, having fun, seem to really like what they are doing.  I'm not sure who will benefit more, me or Nana.  The instructor has her work cut out teaching me to be a better dog handler.  I don't praise enough, my timing is off, the art of play is not something I do well. But I am going to assume I can learn.

Nana and I must have made the cut, because I have a second appointment.  Now like any neurotic parent that wants their princess in the right school I will worry about managing the tuition costs - but she is worth it.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Nana goes to the Beauty Parlor

Nana went to the doggy beauty parlor today.  What should have taken a couple of hours morphed into almost 4 hours.  One of the consequences of the "donut of healing" was a large collection of mats everywhere the donut rubbed against her hair.

After several days of trying to de-mat the mess, I decided it was time to call in the experts.  Not only do they have a great little tool (beginners should not try this at home), but also extra bodies on hand to hold and distract the princess when she starts getting nippy.  So....several hours later, Nana was ready to come home.

Yes,  I really do have eyes

She ate, drank, and promptly went to sleep, getting beautiful is exhausting work.