The Briard - A Heart Wrapped in Fur

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Doggie Orthodontia and Carpet Cleaning

In the ongoing saga of Doggie Orthodontia, Nana had her gums sort of "shaved" back in an effort to create a passage for the stubborn lower canines that are coming in too straight and not flaring outward enough.  This involved her being put under anesthesia last Friday.  This made for a very calm and groggy Briard.  I, in my infinite wisdom, thought this mental state would be a perfect opportunity to take her to Meadowfarm Yarn Studio. It was a great idea right up to the point that her bowels decided to have a post op anesthesia fiesta all over the carpet at the Yarn Studio.  I have to wonder where my brain was that day.  I know that she reacts this way, I was just so lost in the - look what a calm puppy euphoria, I forgot about the rest.  Needless to say this did not endear either one of us to my favorite Yarn Shop.  So, I am on the floor trying to scrub the seven to eight "oopses" off the floor of the shop, before driving home and spending the rest of the day taking Nana outside every ten minutes. 

Of course I offered to pay to have the carpets cleaned which Ellen has taken me up on, or more accurately I am paying for half of the cost of the carpet cleaning since Ellen was getting about ready to do that anyway, I just hurried the process.  But more importantly I think I also precipitated the "no pet" policy that is going into place at Meadowfarm. was not my intention and Nana isn't the only dog that has "oopsied" there.  I know of another that has graced the carpet.  In addition someone's dog picked out a lovely cashmere ball of yarn for their owner to purchase.  Nana has been guilty of helping me pick a skein of yarn.

Personally, I wouldn't ban dogs - instead I would do a once a year "Dogs Run Amok" sale.  Something that would benefit the local "No Kill" animal shelter with a 10% of purchase donation.  It would work something like this.  Dogs get to pick your yarns off the shelf, which they would be more than happy to do.  Ellen would sell half her stock and there would be some mechanism in place for the owners not to murder their pets at the end of the free for all.  I think it would beat the heck out of the boring "year end sale", "going out of business sale", or "fire sale".

In the mean time I will keep Nana in the car when I visit.  However, in a couple of months I won't be able to visit the shop - summer is brutal here and I will have to fulfill my fiber addiction elsewhere until late in the year when temperatures abate.  Meadowfarm won't notice any big decline in sales, I'm not there biggest customer by a long shot - but hey at least I know their carpets will be clean for those customers who are.

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