The Briard - A Heart Wrapped in Fur

Friday, March 25, 2011

5 More Days and Counting

Would it be a stretch to say we are going stir crazy in this purgatory called recovery?  Nana, who's recovery was rather problematic during the first 5 days has turned a corner and all that innate energy is trying to find somewhere to go.  Let's not forget how awful the weather has been.  I've even resorted to that time tested coping mechanism of driving around in the car on pseudo errands just to give us both something different to do.  I know Nana keeps hoping the metal machine will find its way to Hidden Falls where she can finally get out, find a few choice road apples and stretch her legs in a full on gambol.  Nope, she sits in the car while I buy more treats to stuff into a Kong that she can roll around the floor, keeping her occupied for short periods of time.

Bored dogs bark.  Given how impoverished her activity level is at the moment, she has decided to view anything that goes by the window as a threat that needs warning off.  This is not a good thing, she even barked at a video a friend posted on facebook.   Yep, boredom is not a good thing. 

The good news is I was able to take off the donut of healing for a little while this morning.  She is leaving her incision alone for the moment.  I still don't trust her, but as long as she leaves it alone I will leave the donut off.  Like a sheep, Nana is felting up where the rubber donut has rubbed against the underside of her chin and on her shoulders. Did I mention that it is the second donut I had to buy.  She managed to bite a whole in the first one. 

Like I said, 5 days and counting.

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