The Briard - A Heart Wrapped in Fur

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Play Dates and Naps

My youngest asked me the other day if having Nana reminded me of when she and her sister were little. Boy does it ever.  My days are spent supervising the activities of the very young.  Mornings are spent making sure Nana gets the right nutrition, has plenty of fresh air and exercise, continues to learn her social manners.  She has a good lunch and then settles down for an hour or hour and a half nap.  While she naps I have an opportunity to get a few things done.  Instead of a play pen I have a crate that I use when I need to take a shower.  At least I know she isn't getting into trouble and eating the backs off my books.  My social activities have been ratcheted down.  There are some places you just can't take the very young.  I'm still looking for a reliable "baby sitter" and
I am making play dates with other nice "doggies" so she can learn to play nice with others. 

So yep.....having Nana is a blast to the past and very much reminds me of when the girls were very young.  Of course there are differences, next week Nana is going to get "tutored" so I won't have to worry about any unplanned pregnancies - now that is something you definitely can't do with your teenage girl type children - though I'm sure some parents wish it were an option.

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