The Briard - A Heart Wrapped in Fur

Monday, June 27, 2011

If it's Not One Thing It Is Another

This seems to have been our week for puppy trauma. 

First, there was the foxtail in the paw that necessitated a trip to the vet to be removed.  Back on antibiotics and an antiseptic wash that I needed to soak her foot for 5 minutes in.  This entails mixing the antiseptic wash with water until it is "sky blue", pouring it into a baggy, jamming the foot in the bag and holding it closed for 5 minutes while Nana tries to dislodge the bag from her leg while I do my best to keep her from doing that.  This looks something like a Cha-Cha as she periodically kicks her foot out in an effort to get rid of me and the baggy.

Second, there was a string of incredibly hot days.  One evening, I failed to adequately monitor her water intake while at the doggie park and I realized when we got home that she was beginning to experience heat exhaustion.  I didn't like her respiration and she didn't voluntarily go to the water bowl.  ACK!!!   Fortunately the house AC was already on.  I got her some very cool water to drink and had her drink as much as possible in two sessions to get hydrated and cool her insides.  Then out came the cool wet towels to try and cool her outside down.  Now I am much more vigilant about making sure she stays cool (she hates being hosed down) and gets enough water to drink when it is hot and she is outside.

Third,  I clipped her nails and for the first time, cut the quick on a hind foot which refused to stop bleeding.  Flour can be used to help clot the blood.  Unfortunately it didn't really help in this case, so I had a dog paw covered in flour which was now the color of scarlet and being tracked all over the rug.  Two phone calls to Loomis emergency vet hospital, flour and red splotches all over the rug and a drive to have a tech at Loomis put some quick stop on the nail which was actually beginning to slow the bleeding characterized my evening.   While she was in no danger of bleeding to death, it definitely rattled me and my rug is a whole lot worse for the experience.

Fourth,  Nana is currently lame on her front foot.  I think it is in the ankle joint but not completely sure.  I do know it happened day before yesterday at the dog park while she was playing with two other dogs.  I watched her come up a three legged dog from the usual scrum, but still don't know how it actually occurred.  I think she must have stepped wrong, twisted wrong, something that would make her tender on the front right leg.  She is most lame when she has been sleeping and first tries to walk.  It gets better  as she walks it out unless she runs, twists, or plays to hard.  I think it just needs time to rest and heal if she strained it.  But I can't trust her to monitor her own activity so we are not at the dog park until I see some significant improvement.  Of course tell that to Nana - who just wants to run and play and doesn't understand why she can't visit all the usual suspects at the doggie park. 

I used to spend a lot of time at the pediatrician now I spend my spare time and money at the vet.  Not much different really.

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