The Briard - A Heart Wrapped in Fur

Thursday, July 7, 2011

It Was Going So Well....

It was going so well, until she fell down the stairs this morning.  For those who have been following this blog will know that she had a puppy park injury a couple of weeks ago and has been on an anti-inflammatory and rest for the last week.  This week she got to go back to some light exercise which we did yesterday with nary a limp or gimp. her excitement this morning she missed her footing and tumbled down the stairs landing in a heap on the landing.  She caused some injury to a back leg that she walked out pretty quickly - but light exercise shows a slight hesitation in her front leg again.  I suspect she has slightly re-injured the leg again.  She is on her last anti inflammatory and I am watching her like a hawk hoping it will go away and not get worse through the day. 

It's hard being the owner of a delicate but clumsy princess.

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