The Briard - A Heart Wrapped in Fur

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Next on the Medical Menu.......

Just as I was feeling quite smug and pleased with myself for having figured out that Nana was lactose and wheat intolerant and had brought her inner intestinal track in line, she decided to give me something new to wig over.  Nana had her first small, epileptic seizure last Saturday.  She has had several more since then and we are now off to a neurological appointment on Wednesday of next week.  If that wasn't enough, in my panic/excitement of seeing a seizure and loading her into the car for a trip to the emergency vet clinic I left a pot of chicken in water on the stove.  I am now in discussions with the insurance company over a protein fire and the smoke damage that ensued  But, that story is on my Tired of Being Nice blog, or will be when I get to it.

Back to Nana.  Last Saturday while driving home I noticed she was doing this weird "bobble-headed" dog thing.  Whoa!!!  That is not normal.......while trying to see what Nana was experiencing and not driving into on coming traffic, or into the car in front of me I tried to assess just what I was seeing.  Do I drive straight to the emergency vet?  Do I wait?  The "EVENT" lasted about a minute and then was done.  No more events for 2.5 days.  Then last night, she is lying at me feet while I watch an episode of Dollhouse on Netflix when I notice she is starting to do the Bobble-head dog thing.  I go into over achiever mode, call her downstairs, load her in the car, call the emergency vet yelling:  "INCOMING" and totally spaced on the chicken I was boiling on the stove with the timer on.  Of course she is fine at the vet, neurological exam is normal, and there is nothing to see.  2.5 hours later I am home, discover that I have completely engulfed my home in grey smoke and spend the next two hours trying to clear smoke and apologize to my neighbors, apparently we share the same air duct systems, chat up the local fire department, and am grateful that I didn't kill my cat in the process.  By 11:00pm I am back in the house, Nana is really tired and lays down.  OOPS,  another seizure event;  I grabbed my little camera and filmed about 40 seconds, and called the vet.  The movie file was too big, required real player, quick time, God Knows What Time Player and so couldn't get it to her.  Blech.....   Nana had another event this afternoon, I leased her up and took her outside.  I had noticed that when her interest is completely engaged the episodes diminish and quit.  The seizure abated within about 30 seconds.  I am on the net doing my research and logging any episodes I witness for the vets.  I'm not sure what has caused this but am trying to figure it out.  They are increasing and I am trying to head off a Kindling effect if that is possible.  In other words there is a threshold where a seizure will occur, the Kindling effect essentially lowers the threshold or increases the likelihood of an event.  In the mean time our home is a smelly waste dump that I am told isn't toxic but they are recommending I move out for 2 weeks, not toxic?.......I'm thinking they aren't telling me everything.

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