The Briard - A Heart Wrapped in Fur

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho.....It Is Off To The Vet We Go

Once again we are off to the vet for the same old problem of bad gut.  She was doing so well; for over a week and half her stool was exactly as it should be.  Night before last she woke me at midnight with a need to go outside.  What was that horrible smell - ah yes, a large pile of liquid doggie poop on the floor and yes she did need to go out, and out and out; about once every two hours and then every half hour.  I have no idea what made her go from just fine to liquid ugly.  In every other respect she looks and acts just fine.  She is eating, playing, alert, no extended belly. 

I watch what she eats like a hawk and don't let her free graze anything.  I am really suspecting that there is some kind of impaction; how that would happen I have no clue.  So now I am getting concerned since it isn't going away and the food she is taking in does not equal her output.  I have a noon appointment, pet insurance and a credit card so I will just wait until then. 

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